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Special Programs

Young boy playing on ladder


Five to Seven Years of Age

A unique Social Skills Development Group 

  • Fun filled group addresses foundational social communication skills

  • Improve your child's collaborative play skills

  • Address improvement in executive functioning and social problem solving!

  • Next session starts mid October

  • Learn more at


The Speech Matters Toddler Group is designed for toddlers who have a delay in talking. The sessions consists of 60 minutes, and encourages language, communication and socio-emotional development through social interaction and playing. 


Children develop rapidly between 12 months and three years. When a child has a speech-language delay, therapy can be helpful. Incorporating the parent or caregivers into therapy is extremely helpful for your child, as the parent is the love object and can propel development.


It involves child-direction play time using language strategies, sensory exploration, gross motor movements and songs. Through play time, children are exposed to vocabulary and sentences to communicate their needs and wants. Parents learn how to encourage their children to use words and phrases. The SLP also provides the parents strategies to use at home to maintain progress.


Please contact us at (212) 861-7800 for available times and more information. 


Is your child prepared for one of the most important rites of passage in their life?

My Parsha is a specialized speech program to prepare your child for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Please call (212) 861-7800 for a free consultation. Our specialized staff of speech pathologists and presentation coaches will develop an individualized program for your child. 

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